Little Herds


Safety Protocols for Insects for Food and Feed (SPIFFs)

Many people are surprised to learn that the US and many (most) other countries do not have a clearly defined regulatory framework for the use of insects as a food for people, or as feed for pets and livestock. Since our start, Little Herds has been in communication with regulatory agencies, from the local to the federal level, to better understand how to share this idea with the public transparently and honestly while still ensuring that the products we use are safe and wholesome.

We are seeking to establish recognized industry best-practices that are globally applicable, that companies can voluntarily adopt to provide consumer confidence in the safety and responsibility of this new industry. Drawing from guidance from the US Food and Drug Administration, United States Department of Agriculture, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, as well as regulatory agencies, experts and academics around the world, we are building a framework in lieu of, and in anticipation of, clearly defined and enforceable regulations to provide public confidence in the use of insects as food and feed. We want to make sure that these standards are both broadly applicable, but also strict enough to assure consumers and regulators as to the safety and wholesomeness of insect products.

Look for more information on this front in an upcoming Little Herds Ento-Blog post.



Using insects for food and feed is a pretty new idea for some places, especially here in the US. Because it’s such a new idea, there isn’t all that much information out there about this growing industry, especially when it comes to specific numbers that other industries take for granted. Sales numbers, production numbers, even market research…it’s all lacking for the bug biz. Why? Companies that are pioneering this movement are reticent to share information publicly, and we get it. Nobody wants to be the only one with cards on the table when this industry is teeming with innovation and unprecedented ideas that people want to protect.

But what if we could get all that data, without giving away anybody’s secret recipe? What if Little Herds could show how much this industry is growing; how quickly it’s scaling; how much of an impact it’s actually having on our health and our planet? That’s exactly what we’re proposing.


United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization​

Little Herds is seeking input from Ento-industry stakeholders and advocates from all countries to discuss the UNFAO’s continued involvement in the insects for food and feed sector. We are drafting a petition to send to the UNFAO and seek your pledge of support. If you are interested in hearing more and pledging your support to ask the FAO to keep insects as food and feed on the continuing agenda, please let us know.

For more on these recent developments, see @4EntoFood’s report:

Look for more information on this front in an upcoming Little Herds Ento-Blog post.


Mascot Grocery It can be hard to find edible insects sometimes, because this idea is just so new. Here’s a list of folks who share interesting insights into the delicious and nutritious world of entomophagy: Food Insects Newsletter 4Ento Bug Vivant EntoMove Project GirlMeetsBugs Bugible BugsFeed EntoEducation United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization Woven Network LaEntomofago IncredibleFoods IPIFF Maggot Master Blog Edible Bug Farm If you know a group that we don’t have here, let us know at